Friday 20 January 2012

Preliminary Video

Evaluation of the Preliminary Task
As a group, we think we created our preliminary very well. We decided as a group when we were creating the storyboard, who was going to do what in the task. As a group we stuck to the brief that we were given. We used all the shots and angles that we were told to use and before we could start filming we had to learn how to use the Canon camera. Personally, it was quite easy to use, which is good because as a group we will have to use it for the next five months. When we had to start editing, it was about harder to get to grips with the editing programme, Final Cut, I think its quite good that we get to do the Preliminary Task so that we get to have a go at editing on Final Cut. From this task, I personally (Lauren) learnt how to use Final Cut and what different transitions there are to use. For the actual production, we are going to have to use the programme. As a group we learnt what shots look good and what shots wouldn't suit the actual production.

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