Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Britsh Board of Film Classifications

The British Board of Film Classification is an independent company, that has been classifing films since it was first created in 1912. And ever since 1984, the BBFC also classify videos. The BBFC classify films under different age ratings depending on the contents of the film. During this process the BBFC have to consider many elements when determining what age to rate the film. These elements are; nudity, drugs, discrimination, horror, imitable behaviour, language, sex and violence. And the age ranges are U,PG, 12, 12a, 15, 18, R18. To classify a film in to one of these age ranges the BBFC have to gather and produce an extensive amount of research to create their guidelines. These guidlines are updated every four years because as society evolves, there may be changes in the laws and legislatons that the BBFC need to take on board. This type of research is an example of primary resarch.

When the BBFC classify 12/12a films they must consider the following terms:
>Language must be moderate and the use of strong language must be infrequent.
>Discrimination is usually not accptable for this classfication.
>Drug use should be infrequent and should not be glamourised.
>Horror may be permitted, if disturbing scenes aren't frequent.
>Imitable behaviour should not dwell on detail which may be copied.
>Nudity is allowed but sexual context must be discreet.
>Sexual activity must be breif. Continuous crude references probably won't be acceptable.
>Violence is allowed if moderate and should not emphsize detail.

When the BBFC classify 15 films they must consider the following terms:>Drug taking may be shown however the use of drugs should not be promoted.

>Horror is permitted unless sexualised or sadistic.
>Imitable behaviour should not dwell on detail which may be copied.
>Strong language is permitted.
>Nudity and sexual context is accepted but without strong detail.
>Strong violence may be permitted but without emphasis on pain or injury.

When the BBFC classify 18 films they must consider the following terms:
They contain most of the mentioned elements in a more graphic detail that is unacceptable for younger viewers.

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