Saturday 24 March 2012

Individual Roles in Filming

Throughout the filming process of our opening sequence each member of the group had an equal opportunity of filming and directing the piece. This should of enabled us to complete the filming within a couple of hours, however the choice of location caused a few disruptions and at times delayed the filming. Whilst filming we tried to add a mixture of shots to help portray a tense and thrilling atmosphere, for example I filmed a high angle shot of the main character walking along the path. This shows that she was in a vulnerable position and also indicates that she is being controlled by an antagonist which would be introduced to the film later on. At the begining of the opening sequence I also filmed the low angle shots of the main character, when she was walking up the path and also the shot of her feet, this portrays that she was in control of the situation at the start however the circumstance changes as she approaches the presence of the antogonist and the high angle shot illustrates this. Another shot that I contributed to this opening sequence was the close up of the blood on the girls hand. Not only did this act as the enigma to the piece, it also adds tenison and anxiety to the scene. I also filmed the final shot of the gate closing, by using a medium shot and then zooming out. This indicates that she is psychologically and physically trapped, not only does this go well with the psycological theme it also goes well with the name of the film. I also filmed the over the shoulder shot, this gives the characters point of view aswell as showing part of the character. Lauren filmed the point of view shot as she played the main character this gives the viewers an insight of what the character experiences. Lauren also filmed the establishing shot of the location. Lucy filmed the close up of the list of names and contributed to the remaining shots.

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