Obstacles & Disruptions during Filming
During filming, we had to think about obstacles and disruptions which would affect the filming of the opening. This would also cause are filming to slow down and maybe even mean us having to stop to move obstacles but with disruptions we would have to re-film that shot again and hope that it doesn't cause a disruption again. Aeroplanes- Will possible be the main disruption that will affect the filming. The location that we have chosen to film at has very frequently amount of planes flying over. This causes the atomsphere to be noisy and the noise is a very overpowering noises which will maybe over ride the speech which will affect the continuity when editing the opening.To over come this discruption we made sure we filmed the shot that we needed a few times and tried to film inbetween the planes flying over.
General Public: The general public could also be an obstacle that we have to think about, because we can't stop them walking in and out of our shots, this is because they are free to walk where they want. We will have to make sure that when we film the shot, if we get someone in the background we will have to do the next couple of shots after that one quite because otherwise they will not be in the next shots. If they are not there this may cause confusion for the audience and will affect the continuity of the editing.We tried to deal with the disruptions and obstacles as well as we could but most of them made us filming longer than expected but it wasn't too bad as long as our opening sequence looks professional.
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